My Internship Experience...

My Internship Experience...

October 6, 2023

My Internship experience at Profiles Creative - Amala Okeke

Internship sourced through the 10,000 Black Interns Initiative.

Hi, Amala here,

I interned at Profiles Creative on a Recruitment and Executive Search Internship. The six week internship flew by so fast and I was sad to leave, but here's why it was such a valuable experience and why you should also consider taking part in one (or be a firm that offers internships to others).

  1. Firstly, taking part in an internship gives you a competitive advantage when you’re looking for your dream job, it helps you to stand out amongst your peers and yes, I know, I knowww they're super hard to get your hands on, but that leads me to my second point…


  1. There are a multitude of ways to gain experience, such as volunteering or working part time (in any field). Here you have the chance to gain invaluable experience and vital transferable skills that would be beneficial for any career path you decide to take.

  1. Participating in an internship or other extracurricular activities, such as research or reading books about the profession demonstrates to potential employers that you are willing to go above and beyond to learn about the field; this shows commitment and a drive that would be cherished at any firm. And that's not all, it will help you find out whether the role is actually something you see yourself doing in the future  - a saving grace!

  1. It’s also a wonderful chance to network and start establishing important industry connections.

10,000 Black Interns

I was lucky enough to get this internship through 10,000 Black Interns. 

An organisation aimed at transforming the horizons of young Black people in the UK. 

It started off in 2020 with the aim of placing 100 interns and has now expanded its goal to a whopping 10,000 - and they are well on their way to achieving this.

Whether you're a firm who has some space for an intern/s or a student, this is a wonderful initiative that provides plenty of support that you should consider taking a part in. 

I really enjoyed my time here at Profiles, I was heavily involved in the marketing for the launch of its sister company, recruitment drives, built my teamwork skills, office etiquette and loads of other valuable transferable skills and I wouldn't change the experience in any way.

So… I hope by the end of this I've convinced you to start your hunt for an internship.

If it's nerves and fear that’s stopping you, I want to leave you with this - don't underestimate your value and the impact you can make in a short period of time.

Good Luck.


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